• Are You Aging Successfully?

    老王v p n读取出现问题?_百度知道:2021-12-22 · 老王那个v p n 似乎不好使了 那个梯子可能挂掉了 已赞过 已踩过 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 1条折叠回答 更多回答(2) 其他类似问题 2021-06-28 理工学科是什么? 2 2021-05-19 学习嵌入式硬件,射频,物理,理工学科的相关的问题 ...

    “The term successful aging was made popular in 1987, when the scientists John Wallis Rowe and Robert Kahn published an influential book entitled Successful Aging,” writes Alan D. Castel, in Forbes.

    “Rowe and Kahn stated that successful aging involved three main factors: (1) being free of disability or disease, (2) having high cognitive and physical abilities, and (3) interacting with others in meaningful ways.”

    Since 1987, others have quibbled with that definition but whatever else they include – e.g. meaningfulness, work you enjoy, personal happiness – they all fall back on that big three: freedom from disease, high cognition and physical capabilities, and social engagement.

    If Rowe's and Kahn's is the definitive definition, I have failed aging by two-thirds. On the minus side, I have two debilitating diseases that limit my physical activity. On the plus side, I think my mind is doing fine but who knows, and I have more than enough social life even within the limits of my diseases and the pandemic.

    Successful aging has always seemed to be a phony construct to me. My first reaction, whenever the phrase turns up, is “As opposed to what – failed aging? That seems to be the point of the people to trade in this idea – to force a pass/fail grade on aging.

    None of the “experts” that I've read have anything to say about failing aging.

    It doesn't come up directly even though it is obliquely implied. But I suspect they are thinking of me if anyone brings up the question.

    The medical people who discuss successful aging stress that it begins at an early age. Here are some of the predictors taken from a variety of sources:

    Happy marriage
    Higher levels of education
    Purpose in life
    Physical health
    Don't drink alcohol to excess
    Don't smoke cigarettes

    【小明v老王】大忠若奸_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:2021-7-9 · 【小明&老王 】此物天下绝响 此物天下绝响 1360.7万播放 · 19.3万弹幕 03:50 【康熙说唱王朝】部落到帝国·怒斥群臣 非桥段 1312.2万播放 · 13.2万弹幕 ...

    As to those three original indicators for a successful old age, one or the other of those two diseases I have will kill me before too long, and my physical capabilities are severely limited now. I can still care for myself but it's hard even to take the trash out to the bins.

    That sounds like a good definition of failed aging. And yet...

    And yet, I'm fine with my old age. I refuse to say I am aging successfully because I don't believe in the idea. (Do people have successful childhoods? Or are there people to fail childhood? Do some fail teen years or adulthood? I haven't ever seen those other stages of life generally defined as failure.)

    A lot of what is written about successful aging comes from people who haven't yet reached old age and although I doubt they would see it this way, they tend to believe that old people should behave like younger adults – 30, 40, 50 or so.

    At other times, they deal in stereotypes of old people. Daniel Levitin, a neuroscientist and psychologist whose most recent book, Successful Aging, was published early this year, told a PBS interviewer that it is difficult for old people to change their views or to look at something differently:

    ”...you have to fight that,” he said. “I think we have to avoid complacency as we get older because we do tend to get set in our ways.

    “We tend to want to look at things the same way. We want to go to the same restaurant that we know is going to give us a good meal. We want to hang out with the same friends who we know we're not going to make us feel bad about ourselves.

    “But we have to fight that because the influx of new ideas and challenging our conventional modes of thinking is important brain food, not just our individual health but the health of the larger community.”

    Well, where to start? Set in our ways? Let's take Levitin's example: until the pandemic changed all our lives, a friend and I had lunch together every week at the same restaurant. How is that possibly an indication of unsuccessful aging?

    Good friends sharing a meal at a restaurant with food we liked, and some quiet time together? That sounds like a plus in life to me.

    Further, I wonder how strange a person needs to be to assume meeting someone new would result in him or her saying something bad about me? If there are those who don't like to meet new people, I doubt that is the reason.

    And complacency? Ask any old person about the constant adaptations to daily life we must make due to age-related changes such as balance issues, dropping things, reduced energy and stamina, pain from a disease such as arthritis or cancer, etc. etc.

    Oh wait, I forgot – having a disease or two means you have not aged successfully.

    一人之下之我是王并_第六十四章见林老天师!_起点中文网 ...:2021-6-1 · 一人之下之我是王并最新章节阅读,一人之下之我是王并是一部轻小说小说,由净兮凌创作,起点提供首发更新。第七十一章名场面!!!(2021.04.01)

    One way or another, we all grow old. We do it sometimes at wildly different rates of change - some with greater physical burdens than others and I think as often as not, that is the luck of the draw, a bit of genetics and, as in my case, too many cigarettes.

    That's water under the bridge. I can't change it now. And my two diseases, whatever the so-called experts say, do not make me an unsuccessful old person.

    Life is precious and at this end of it, too short to waste time chasing a make-believe success. If you have limitations, let them be your guide. Enjoy the things you can. Honor these late years by living as fully as you desire and are capable of.

    猎头老王V_新浪博客:2021-6-18 · 猎头老王V_新浪博客,猎头老王V,毕业10年,阻碍你职业发展的最大“拦路虎”到底是什么?, 毕业5年没有猎头联系你,这3点原因讲透了!,这就是企业 ...

    ELDER MUSIC: The Forgotten Angel

    This Sunday Elder Music column was launched in December of 2008. By May of the following year, one commenter, Peter Tibbles, had added so much knowledge and value to my poor attempts at musical presentations that I asked him to take over the column. He's been here each week ever since delighting us with his astonishing grasp of just about everything musical, his humor and sense of fun. You can read Peter's bio here and find links to all his columns here.

    * * *

    “The Forgotten Angel” is a name that has been applied to CLYDE MCPHATTER these days. I think it sums him up - somewhat forgotten and singing like an angel - his singing style set the stage for many who followed him.

    If you’re looking for a really good musical trivia question, he is the answer to: “Who was the first person inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice?”

    Since then, others who have done the same refer to themselves as belonging to the “Clyde McPhatter Club”. He was a member of two seminal groups before he became a solo artist, so he could have made it three times.

    Clyde began singing in his father’s gospel choir, the starting point for many of the finest singers of the era. His brothers and sisters were there as well and there were enough of them such that they could have been a choir on their own.

    老王的日志 - 网易博客:老王的日志,2021年12月03日,2021年12月03日,2021年07月31日,2021年03月01日,2021年01月18日,2021年12月23日,2021年06月20日,2021年04月16日,2021年03月18日,2021年01月23日,老王的网易博客,冷静等待中。。。。。。。。。。。,概念设计师 奋斗老王

    The first three songs are by that group, all of them with Clyde singing the lead vocal (as he did on most of their songs). The first of these is Have Mercy Baby.

    ♫ Billy Ward - Have Mercy Baby

    The song Harbor Lights was written back in the thirties by Hugh Williams (a pseudonym for Will Grosz) and Jimmy Kennedy. It was recorded by many artists, most especially The Platters. They had a hit with the song with the great Tony Williams singing lead, as he did on all their best songs. As good as Tony was, I think that Clyde was more soulful in his interpretation.

    ♫ Billy Ward - Harbor Lights

    I’ll end the Billy Ward section with possibly the most overwrought song in recorded history. Johnnie Ray had the reputation of crying on his records. He has nothing on Clyde. This is The Bells.

    ♫ Billy Ward - The Bells

    Billy was a real tightwad and didn’t pay much and he also deducted from his musicians’ pay packet for food, taxes, hotel bills and anything else that he could get away with. After Clyde decided to leave, Billy said he had to come up with a replacement singer. Clyde found the young Jackie Wilson.

    Ahmet Ertegun, founder of Atlantic Records, then signed Clyde to his record company on condition he create a group to lead. He rounded up some singers and called them The Drifters.

    After recording a couple of songs, Ahmet was dissatisfied and suggested a different lot of singers. Clyde did that and called the new group The Drifters (well, if you’re on a good thing…)

    They worked out better than the previous lot, such that they became one of the best loved groups in singing history.

    One of the first songs they recorded was Such a Night. This was a reasonable hit for them even though it was the B-side of the record. It was covered by Johnnie Ray and later still by Elvis who took it to the top of the charts.


    Their next song was a huge hit. The song is 老王的灯笼v2.2.9, and it’s been covered by many over the years. The song was written by Jesse Stone.

    ♫ Drifters - Money Honey

    During his time with The Drifters, Clyde was inducted into the army. Fortunately, he wasn’t sent overseas and could continue recording during his time off. After his discharge, he decided to go out as a solo singer.

    The Drifters’ manager then disbanded the group and started a new group (and called them The Drifters) built around Ben E King. Goodness, this column contains some of the finest singers from that time (or any time).

    Clyde sold his share in the group to the manager. He regretted that decision for the rest of his life.

    One of the first things he did as a solo singer was perform a duet with 老王的灯笼最新版, with whom he toured. They were close. Very, very close. Their son now performs as one of the current Drifters.

    One of the songs Clyde and Ruth performed together is Love Has Joined Us Together.

    老王的日志 - 网易博客:老王的日志,2021年12月03日,2021年12月03日,2021年07月31日,2021年03月01日,2021年01月18日,2021年12月23日,2021年06月20日,2021年04月16日,2021年03月18日,2021年01月23日,老王的网易博客,冷静等待中。。。。。。。。。。。,概念设计师 奋斗老王

    ♫ Clyde McPhatter - Love Has Joined Us Together

    [老王V屁恩]免费不多解释快上车 - BeiQian's Site:2021-3-16 · 4月8日开始,该版本貌似已经失效了。可众看看这个《[免费科学上网软件]多平台免费VPN - ABCVPN》 自从3.1净网行动后,很多国外服务器都失联了,导致一些个人搭建的服务器、小机场或一些小商家都没了办法,可是老王v屁恩非常坚挺,一直免 was written by Danny Small. Clyde was the first to record it. Over the years everyone from Elvis to Ray Charles to Tom Jones (to a whole bunch of lesser singers) have recorded it. Of course, as I’ve often said, the first is the best (okay, not always).

    ♫ Clyde McPhatter - Without Love (There Is Nothing)

    No Love Like Her Love was the B-side of the single that had That’s Enough For Me on the A-side. Neither song made the charts, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t any good. Lots of fine songs don’t manage to do that.

    ♫ Clyde McPhatter - No Love Like Her Love

    Now we get to the songs that most of us remember. A Lover’s Question is my favorite of his.

    ♫ Clyde McPhatter - A Lovers Question

    Norma, the Assistant Musicologist prefers Lover Please.

    ♫ Clyde McPhatter - Lover Please

    Towards the end of his life, and it was brief, he died at 39, Clyde thought that his fans had deserted him. That wasn’t true but he turned to alcohol such that many of his concerts were canceled or he didn’t turn up for them. He died of various complications due to his serious drinking.

    I’ll end with a video of Clyde back when he was young and singing like an angel. A lovely smile at the end because he knew that he had nailed it.



    This is a short parody of some over-dramatized wildlife films and documentaries that often don't live up to their hype.

    Yes, that's Sir David Attenborough's voice, clipped from several of his animal TV programs. Enjoy.


    And Cup Cakes. And Donettes.

    It has probably been half a century since I last ate a Twinkie and longer for the other two. In fact, I may never have eaten a Donette. Here is what the YouTube page says:

    “Created in 1930, Twinkies are America's guiltiest pleasure. Using an elaborate and incredibly efficient system of Auto Bake robots, Hostess produces roughly 500,000,000 Twinkies a year, or roughly 1,000 a minute.”

    This video from Popular Mechanics shows how they are made. It didn't need to be this lengthy but I think I know how that happened: after awhile it beccomes almost mesmerizing. If you stick around long enough, you'll see there are actual humans involved at least at the end of production.


    About a week ago, Washington Post columnist, Dana Milbank, published a column about how to make sure you are registered to vote, how to do that if you are not, how to get an absentee ballot and what to do about voting if you are overseas or a member of the military.

    The astonishingly well done and easy-to-use website is from vote.org. Here are some direct links:

    If you want just a yes or no answer to whether you are registered to vote in your state, go here.

    If you want more information when you check to see if you are registered, go here. If you are properly registered, you will find links to your elected officials and to the location ballot dropboxes (well, the latter will be added soon).

    You can register to vote here. If you want to go directly to your state's voter registration, scroll down the page for a link to each state.

    If you are registered to vote and want an 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版.

    If you are an American citizen overseas or a uniformed service member, go here.

    There is more information in Dana Milbank's column.


    If you did not or could not watch it live, here is former President Barack Obama's eulogy Thursday for John Robert Lewis. It is stunning call to all of us to continue the Georgia representative's lifelong work.

    Yes, it is long – about 40 minutes – but you won't notice and I suspect it will become, if it hasn't already, one of those speeches we must never forget.


    If you wonder what an old woman with cancer and COPD who is in hospice does with some her time...

    Ahem - here are three accidental science experiments no one asked for:

    There are 37 more photos of unexpected results at Bored Panda.


    老王的“神榆湖”_新浪吉林_新浪网:2021-6-15 · 老王的“神榆湖”,清晨五点,位于科尔沁沙地的吉林省白城市通榆县向海蒙古族乡创业村,五六辆货车停在“神榆湖”边,王尚江正忙着为前来买鱼 ...


    Seismologists usually deal with earthquakes, atmospheric pressure and the movements of oceans. But during the pandemic lockdown, they got to listen to those noises without much human interference:

    ”Humans are the third-biggest source of seismic noise,” reports MIT Technology Review of a study done during the lockdown. “Everyday urban activities like commutes, or stadiums full of fans simultaneously going wild in 'football quakes,' are strong enough to register on seismometers.

    “'It’s transport, like cars, trains, traffic, buses,' says coauthor Paula Koelemeijer of the Royal Holloway University of London. 'It’s retail and recreation—not just people going shopping, but also going to parks. It’s workplaces and residences.'”

    This isn't just idle curiosity. The quiet period is resulting in new scientific knowledge and help in understanding future earth changes.

    ”The fall-off in human noise also gave scientists a chance to listen to the earth’s inner workings more closely than ever before—without humans drowning them out. This might add to our knowledge of earthquakes, particularly small ones in urban centers that are often masked by human seismic noise.”

    Read more at MIT Technology Review.


    There have been several charming and heart-warming commercials from the Kiatnakin Bank in Thailand. This one was released in 2015. Never mind that it is not in English. You will have no difficulty understanding and, of course, that is part of the point.

    * * *

    Interesting Stuff is a weekly listing of short takes and links to web items that have caught my attention; some related to aging and some not, some useful and others just for fun.

    You are all encouraged to submit items for inclusion. Just click “Contact” at the top of any Time Goes By page to send them. I'm sorry that I won't have time to acknowledge receipt and there is no guarantee of publication. But when I do include them, you will be credited and I will link to your blog.

    Enough With Crazy Politicians

    It has been going on for so long that it is hard now to remember what life was like before we had so many crazy politicians.

    How about, just for the length of this blog post, we all try to rewind our mindset to a time past when politicians (with a few notable exceptions) mostly dealt in ordinary graft that could be reprehensible but not dangerous or life-threatening to people and our nation.

    So-called leaders like that believe only that they deserve a bit more than the rest of us and take advantage of their positions to get it, but they aren't crazy. Now we live with daily crazy. Just this week:

    The Black Lives Matter protests in Portland, Oregon, following the killing of George Floyd had dwindled to fewer than about 50 people in the streets near the federal courthouse when the president – the crazy-in-chief - sent in paramilitary soldiers to quell what he calls “riots.”

    Those unidentified troops have snatched protesters off the street or bombarded them with pepper spray, flash bangs, tear gas and more until the number of protesters swelled again to thousands each night. CRAZY

    Hydroxychloroquine as both a preventive and treatment for coronavirus is back again this week. Several members of the Trump family, including the president, have promoted the video of a Houston physician, Stella Imannuel, who says she has cured hundreds of people with the drug.

    She also says that women can become pregnant by having sex with demons in their dreams, that doctors create medicines from alien DNA and that doctors are also working on a vaccine to make people immune to becoming religious. Trump tweeted the video promoting her beliefs. CRAZY

    Ohio Governor Mike DeWine on Wednesday asked the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy to rescind its plan to ban hydroxychloroquine saying the choice should be between patient and doctor. CRAZY

    When Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) tested positive for coronavirus this week, he said he could have contracted as a result of wearing a mask. CRAZY

    In an attack on mail-in ballots, Trump suggested that the November election be delayed to avoid massive fraud thereby asking the people to forget that A: he does not have the authority to do that, Congress does and B: more than 20 states already have versions of vote by mail and anyway, it is up to individual states to determine how their citizens vote. CRAZY

    Stating that many people think it is fake news, Trump said he did not discuss, in a recent telephone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the issue of Russia offering bounties to those who kill American soldiers. CRAZY (and traitorous)

    If you are anything like me, that little list – as awful as it is - doesn't seem to be enough to get exercised about because it is only one week's worth and we know how much overall craziness I have omitted.

    But I think we are wrong about that. Instead, I suspect we are no longer capable of returning our minds to that time when politics in Washington was not crazy.

    We have forgotten what it was like when we saw the president on television once or twice a week if he was introducing a visiting foreign dignitary, perhaps, or signing a bill in the Rose Garden or on rare occasions, speaking to us of important matters from the Oval Office.

    Now for nearly four years we have been living with a vulgar manchild overflowing with grievances for perceived slights. Every day. Have you ever seen him laugh, genuinely laugh in enjoyment of anything? Of course not. He feels only anger and resentment.

    There is one more group of American crazies, millions of them. The people, like some Congress members, who refuse to wear a mask.

    Some have been known to spit on store employees who ask them to mask up, some believe not wearing a mask is a macho political statement and some even think there is no such thing as the virus. CRAZY Not to mention, stupid.

    Make no mistake: people who refuse to wear masks are killing people. That's not hyperbole or fake news. it is fact.

    Yes, yes, yes. I know we are not supposed to say such things aloud but I have no reason to care anymore what people think so here goes: anyone who refuses to wear a mask and to maintain distancing deserves to die. I have no sympathy beyond those who may mourn them.

    There is way too much crazy and too much crazy-stupid in this country. It has infected millions of Americans but it starts at the top.

    This is not a Republican versus Democrat matter. It is about saving lives and our sanity. Whatever else Joe Biden may be, he is not crazy. Trump and his enablers are.

    Famous Last Words

    The final words a dying person utters have been noted for centuries – in some cases, a whole lot of centuries.

    In 1078 BC, just before he pulled down the pillars killing himself and 3,000 others, Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines.”

    The Buddha, in 483 BC said this, they say: "All compounded things are subject to vanish. Strive with earnestness.”

    Whether last words seem to be in character or not, in many cases it is impossible to know if the person actually said that or if someone made it up after his/her death.

    老王影院 高速线路二最新网址 - Soso:2021-6-15 · 老王影院 高速线路二高清在线播放资源,今日更新331部,伦理自拍在线观看,警告:本站提供全网影视资源,来自网络不对内容版权负责,如发现侵权内容请联系删除。

    如何评价王老菊制作独立游戏? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-4-16 · 而且,如果要有一个人要做这件事的话,有一个大V要公开带头做独立游戏,我会希望那个人是王老菊。从他微博来看,他也确实是认真在做这件事。这件事本身,用浪漫一点的说法,真的太有梦想。“太阳骑士,莽就完事了。” 但佩服之余,不得不回到现实。

    Sir Winston Churchill: “I’m bored with it all.” (1955)

    御九天_第五十六章 挺牛逼的是老王吹牛能兑现_起点中文网 ...:2021-4-6 · 肉体?看老王的样子,给人家提鞋都嫌手粗啊。 “洒洒水啦。”老王淡淡的装了个逼:“早就和你伔说过,队长我平时只是低调,不愿意在学院里太张扬,你伔还不信,可关键时刻你再看看,是不是只有 …

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: "The taste of death is upon my lips...I feel something, that is not of this earth." (1791)

    One of my favorite last-word stories concerns John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the second and third presidents of the United States. They were both major players in inventing their new country and they each died on the same day which happened to be – drum roll: Independence Day, 4 July 1826.

    What could possibly be more fitting for either of them.

    Jefferson died in his home in Virginia. History remembers his last words as: "Is it the Fourth? I resign my spirit to God, my daughter, and my country."

    Adams, at home in Massachusetts, is said to have spoken these last words: "Thomas Jefferson survives."

    What Adams did not know is that Jefferson had died a few hours earlier.

    I also like last words that comment on dying itself or appear to speak to us from the other side.

    Albert Einstein when he declined surgery the day before he died: "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly." (1955)

    (Those probably were not Einstein's absolute final words, but let's go with it anyway.)

    Cotton Mather: "Is this dying? Is this all? Is this what I feared when I prayed against a hard death? Oh, I can bear this. I can bear this." (1728)

    Thomas Edison: "It's very beautiful over there." (1931)

    All this dying last words stuff came to mind when TGB reader Salinda Dahl left this comment on Monday's post:

    ”I hope when your time comes it's beautiful and thrilling...which I believe is at least 50% possible. Remember Steve Jobs? As he was dying, he kept saying, 'Wow! Oh Wow!'

    Yes! Oh yes! That had slipped my mind. I did some checking around the web to see if those last words are confirmed and came across them in his sister's eulogy for him:

    ”Steve’s final words,” wrote Mona Simpson, “hours earlier, were monosyllables, repeated three times.

    “Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them.

    “Steve’s final words were:


    Of course, we don't know what he was experiencing that was wow-inspiring. But wouldn't it be a fine ending if one's last earthly moment is something of beauty and joy.


    By Carole Leskin

    I tried to find something to post today. Something sweet, gentle, funny or hopeful. But I could not.

    Today all I could do was sit - and grieve. Overwhelmed. Where am I? What is happening to the imperfect, but basically kind country I knew?

    老水王yjjc:2021-6-4 · 圣彼得堡v 2021-06-04 20:44:40 坐看水王大战 救命 鹅管管吧 删除 | 赞 回应 来自 豆瓣App 还有一天不认识 2021-06-04 20:45:06 @胡萝卜果酱 我要不是虾,你出门200码 删除 | 赞 回应 来自 豆瓣App 还有一天不认识 ...

    The number of people unemployed is as great as during the depression. We can not get close to people. We wear masks. Our loved ones die alone and have no funerals. There is more but this is enough. And so, many of us spend our time inside and afraid.

    I try to be optimistic.

    Today I failed.

    * * *

    [EDITORIAL NOTE: Reader's stories are welcome. If you have not published here or not recently, please read submission instructions. Only one story per email.]

    Ruminating on Pancreatic Cancer and Me

    It's everywhere recently, this pancreatic cancer stuff. Or so it seems to me.

    Yesterday, there was a celebration for the late U.S. Representative John Lewis of Georgia who died of that disease just over a week ago. There will be more ceremonies and remembrances during the next few days.

    Last Tuesday, 老王vpm2.2.8下载安卓版 host, Alex Trebek's memoir, The Answer Is – Reflections on My Life, was published just a bit more than a year after he announced his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. To promote the book, he has been giving interviews that, of course, include a discussion of his disease.

    Maybe these things are more noteworthy to me than they might otherwise be because, as many of you know, I have pancreatic cancer too. I've been living with it for more than three years which, according to my oncologist, makes me an “anomaly” - hardly anyone lives this long.

    A lot has happened in my past three years – the extensive Whipple surgery and recovery, which took four or five months; two non-invasive surgeries to repair an internal bleed; three rounds of chemotherapy; an additional diagnosis of COPD; and now hospice.

    大老王女王_新浪博客:2021-12-22 · 大老王女王_新浪博客,大老王女王,2021BQ榜——精华篇,2021BQ榜——卸妆篇,2021超市夯货篇,PURID新品第三弹——沁柔舒润霜,换季肌肤闹别扭,都是谁的错?

    Time is such a squishy thing. It is equally true that an hour can feel like an entire day and a year can feel like a week. Nowadays, since they told me I have fewer than six months to live, I prefer the former – that a few minutes stretch out into many hours. Unfortunately, that is not the usual case.

    There is pain these days, too, and before the medications kick in, I am in a deep, dark, dreadful mood and an hour of it easily feels like a day. When I'm stuck in the pain, my mind goes to imagining my death, picturing what it will be like.

    《老王诊所》完整版:(全文在线阅读)-中经在线网:2021-8-30 · 老王 越看越有有感觉,看着电影里面的女优小舌头的灵活缠绕吮吸,老王的心都澎湃了,恨不得立马关门去找个女人试一下。 “医生 ?” 林婉如见老王没答话,又叫了一声,头也鬼使神差的朝前伸了一下,想看看这医生在看什么。 老王没想到 ...

    老王的日志 - 网易博客:老王的日志,2021年12月03日,2021年12月03日,2021年07月31日,2021年03月01日,2021年01月18日,2021年12月23日,2021年06月20日,2021年04月16日,2021年03月18日,2021年01月23日,老王的网易博客,冷静等待中。。。。。。。。。。。,概念设计师 奋斗老王

    Nevertheless, these speculative detours into what will be my final moments of consciousness, always accompanied by pain, leave me angry, depressed, lonely, panicky and generally shattered.

    But wait. When the pain pills finally go to work, it is as though none of what I just described happened even while, like now, I am writing or thinking about it.

    Instead, I become attached again, as strongly as crazy glue, to the world we live in. Even in humankind's once-in-lifetime predicament – pandemic, economic disaster, climate change, increasingly dangerous demonstrations, Trump's wicked and corrupt presidency – the last thing I want to do is leave.

    We're not even halfway through this movie yet and the universe is telling me it's time to go??? How dare it. And yet, here I am.

    For the moment, I just hope my remaining time is not as messy as whatever it is I am trying to say with this post.

    ELDER MUSIC: Strange Days

    This Sunday Elder Music column was launched in December of 2008. By May of the following year, one commenter, Peter Tibbles, had added so much knowledge and value to my poor attempts at musical presentations that I asked him to take over the column. He's been here each week ever since delighting us with his astonishing grasp of just about everything musical, his humor and sense of fun. You can read Peter's bio here and find links to 老王灯笼APP.

    * * *

    These are certainly strange days we’re living through, and that means I get to play some strange songs. Okay, not necessarily strange songs, but those with strange in their title. Quite a few of these are blues which seems strangely appropriate.

    Given the title of the column, many people could guess that THE DOORS would lead off proceedings. They are right.

    They actually have a song called 老王灯笼APP, taken from their second album also called “Strange Days”, but that song was a bit too strange. Instead, I’ve gone for one of their more famous songs, People are Strange from the same album.

    ♫ The Doors - People Are Strange

    PATSY CLINE is always welcome in my columns and judging from past comments, you readers rather agree with that.

    On this song I think that Patsy sounds like Tami Neilson. Of course, Tami wasn’t even born when Patsy died, so it should be the other way around. If you have a chance check out Tami’s music (particularly her song Cry Over You) I suggest you do that to see what I’m talking about. Anyway, here’s Patsy with Strange.

    ♫ Patsy Cline - Strange

    ELMORE JAMES was a particular favorite of the British bands of the Sixties, especially Brian Jones who developed his guitar playing style from listening to his records.

    Elmore worked in an electrical store early on and devised his own electric guitars that were in advance of the standard versions of the time. It took years for the others to catch up. He had a wide variety of styles which is probably why he was so influential. Here he performs Strange Kinda Feeling.

    ♫ Elmore James - Strange Kinda Feeling

    Love is Strange was a big hit for the Everly Brothers. However, before them MICKEY & SYLVIA also hit the charts with the song.

    Bo Diddley claimed that he wrote the lyrics and Mickey and Sylvia also claimed to have done so. Bo was the first to record the song, but his version didn’t see light of day until a recent box set of his complete recordings. Buddy Holly also recorded it, but he didn’t claim to have written it. I’m going with Mickey & Sylvia.

    ♫ Mickey & Sylvia - Love Is Strange

    JAMES HUNTER has recorded Strange But True twice.

    迷你世界:老王跟阿呆去算命第二天老王就莫名其妙被杀,谁 ...:2021-5-30 · 迷你世界:老王跟阿呆去算命第二天老王就莫名其妙被杀,谁是凶手,本视频由多米解说原创提供,3408次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台

    ♫ James Hunter - Strange But True

    OTIS SPANN was easily the finest post war Chicago blues pianist.

    Besides his solo work, he was also Muddy Waters’ pianist for many years. He was also involved in one of the two or three best blues albums ever (“Super Black Blues”) with T-Bone Walker and Big Joe Turner. That’s another one to check out.

    Here is Otis, with some of Muddy’s band, with Strange Woman.

    ♫ Otis Spann - Strange Woman

    NICK CHARLES is a particular favorite of Norma, the Assistant Musicologist, such that we’ve seen him live many times over the years.

    Besides playing in Australia, he’s performed all over the world and played at some of the best blues festivals around the world. He’s a superb acoustic guitar player and quite a decent singer. Here he is with a reasonable sized band backing him with Strange Things Happen at Night.

    ♫ Nick Charles - Strange Things Happen At Night

    安东老王 - 安东老王 - 网易博客:2021-11-9 · 勿众权力为荣耀,中华古塔通览·内蒙古卷,中华人民共和国国运能有多长?,肝阳上亢的预防与调理,香蕉的功效与作用,安化黑茶,河北阳原开阳堡黑塔(双塔存一·待考),山西榆社寿圣寺塔(清·市保),山西繁峙齐城道教墓塔(唐·待考),辽宁抚顺高尔山砖塔(双塔·待考),安东老王的网易博客,本博 ...

    The next song by BILLIE HOLIDAY is as relevant today as it was 80 years ago.

    The song is Strange Fruit, written as a poem by Abel Meeropol and put to music by him and his wife, Laura Duncan.

    ♫ Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit

    From his fine, but rather underrated album “Believers”, DON MCLEAN gives us the song Isn't It Strange, one he wrote himself.

    It is a wry, ironic song about love and the way that men and women see their relationships. On the surface is a pleasant gentle song, but digging deeper into the lyrics reveals the clever and bittersweet exploration mentioned before.

    ♫ Don McLean - Isn't It Strange

    I’ve always thought of CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE as an old bluesman, however, when I investigated him I discovered that he’s only a year older than I am. Okay, that could still make him an old blues man, but not in the way I had in mind.

    Charlie’s instrument is the harmonica and he also sings a bit (not while playing the harp, of course). He came to prominence in the early sixties with other white blues players like Michael Bloomfield and Paul Butterfield.

    Although mainly a bluesman, he has also played with such musicians as Cyndi Lauper, Hot Tuna and Jools Holland. To fit into the column he performs Strange Land.

    ♫ Charlie Musselwhite - Strange Land

    I’m really surprised to find a song by ELVIS from the Fifties I didn’t know.

    Yep, that can happen even to your musical guru (“That’s a joke, Joyce” – that’s for my Australian readers). The song I discovered hidden somewhere on my computer is Is It So Strange.

    ♫ Elvis Presley - Is It So Strange

    JIMMY JOHNSON is a blues guitarist, and a fine one at that.

    A couple of decades ago he recorded an album called “Johnson’s Whacks” (ho ho) which contained a blues guitar rendition of Paul Desmond’s jazz classic Take Five. It’s worth seeking out. This has nothing to do with today’s selection, I just thought I’d mention it.

    From a completely different album (“Every Day of Your Life”), Jimmy plays and sings Strange Things Happening.

    ♫ Jimmy Johnson - Strange Things Happening


    老王的“神榆湖”_新浪吉林_新浪网:2021-6-15 · 老王的“神榆湖”,清晨五点,位于科尔沁沙地的吉林省白城市通榆县向海蒙古族乡创业村,五六辆货车停在“神榆湖”边,王尚江正忙着为前来买鱼 ...

    Climate change has gotten lost in the pandemic news but some are paying attention. A few days ago the Swedish teenage activist, Greta Thunberg, won the one million Euro (1.15 million U.S. dollars) Gulbenkian Prize for humanity.

    ”...for the way she 'has been able to mobilise younger generations for the cause of climate change and her tenacious struggle to alter a status quo that persists', Jorge Sampaio, chair of the prize jury, said earlier,” reported 老王 2.2.7.

    As Thunberg says in the video, all the prize money will be donated, through her foundation, to different organisations and projects who are working to help people on the front line, affected by the climate crisis and ecological crisis.

    You can read more at the Gulbenkian website.


    If you read The New Yorker magazine, you probably recognize Susan Orlean's name. As the Washington Post describes her, she is

    ”...an award-winning author of several books, including The Library Book and 老王app下载 and has received both Nieman and Guggenheim fellowships. Meryl Streep was nominated for an Academy Award for portraying Orlean in the movie Adaptation.”

    A week ago, she – oh, never mind. Let WaPo reporter Travis M. Andrews explain:

    ”...the work that had her name trending on Twitter this weekend was a little different. See, Orlean got drunk Friday night, met a newborn foal and fired up the social media platform. And the ensuing thread — in which she bemoaned the state of the world, threw shade at her cat for not snuggling and recounted an epic quest for candy only to wind up with sugarcoated fennel seeds — proved utterly delightful.”

    Here is a piece of it:

    You can read her entire drunken thread here. And, it's worth following the WaPo link above to an interview with Orlean about her drunken tweet night.

    This is such an excellent respite from our global troubles.


    In last Monday's post I mentioned that Peter Tibbles, who writes Sunday's TGB Elder Music column is thinking over whether he will continue it in some form after I die.

    In case you missed it, here is the response he left in the comments:

    ”I don’t think I’ll continue with the music column. I have seen with my own eyes the amount of work Ronni puts into producing each day’s column. I retired from the computer industry after 50 years and it and it seems to me that I’d be just going back to work, and I certainly don’t want to do that.

    “Having done this for more than 10 years and about 600 columns I wonder if I have anything to add that won’t bore you all. However, you never know. I might become inspired and find some easy software and start again.”


    As we do every two weeks, last Wednesday my former husband, Alex Bennett, and I record a short chat I have dubbed The Alex and Ronni Show.

    Usually, I post it on Friday but got carried away yesterday with a long discussion of the Gestapo tactics being unleashed by the federal government on cities across the U.S. Actually, Alex and I got carried away on that subject too. Here is the video.

    Alex's video 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版.


    Last Tuesday, two young boys in Grenoble, France, brothers age 10 and three, exhibited extraordinary bravery and trust in their fellow human beings by jumping from high floors of a burning building to be caught by people waiting on the ground:

    Neither boy was harmed but at least one of the “catchers” was checked at the hospital for injuries. You can read more at 老王的灯笼最新版 and The Guardian.


    Two groups of Republicans are carrying on an amazingly sharp and pointed video campaign against the re-election of Donald Trump – The Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump.

    This week they came up with a remarkably similar idea for their latest videos:


    In the law-and-order surge from the president in Portland, Oregon, there has been one small bright spot to give us a smile. She has been given the name, Naked Athena. Here is the story according to Snopes:

    “Police officers in Portland, Oregon were caught off guard after being approached by a nude female demonstrator, who lay down in the street and began performing yoga. The cops were then filmed ‘withdrawing.’

    “A woman wearing nothing except a mask and a beanie approached a group of officers clearing out the downtown area in the early hours of Saturday. A line of police and federal agents were standing at an intersection when the naked woman seemingly appeared out of nowhere.”

    Here is some video from 老王vpm2.28下载安卓版 including some commentary on the protests from Trump:

    Among all the turmoil and fear being generated, Naked Athena makes me feel happy for a little while.

    老王 2.2.7


    * * *

    Interesting Stuff is a weekly listing of short takes and links to web items that have caught my attention; some related to aging and some not, some useful and others just for fun.

    You are all encouraged to submit items for inclusion. Just click “Contact” at the top of any Time Goes By page to send them. I'm sorry that I won't have time to acknowledge receipt and there is no guarantee of publication. But when I do include them, you will be credited and I will link to your blog.


    You cannot have missed it these past two weeks – the clashes, between protesters and some shady, heavily armed paramilitary force in the streets of downtown Portland, Oregon.

    【老八】扒鸭之王 - AcFun弹幕视频网 - 认真你就输啦 (?ω?)ノ ...:2021-3-17 · 【老八】扒鸭之王,念诗之王,老八,奥力给,鬼畜调教,,喜欢支持一下叭~,A站,ACFUN,ACG,弹幕,视频,动画,漫画,游戏,斗鱼,新番,鬼畜 ...

    【小明v老王】大忠若奸_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili:2021-7-9 · 【小明&老王 】此物天下绝响 此物天下绝响 1360.7万播放 · 19.3万弹幕 03:50 【康熙说唱王朝】部落到帝国·怒斥群臣 非桥段 1312.2万播放 · 13.2万弹幕 ...

    Christopher David, a 53-year-old Navy veteran, was beaten and pepper sprayed for trying to ask a question of these “soldiers”. He was left with two broken fingers. Take a look:

    Wednesday night, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was tear-gassed by the federal force as he spoke to demonstrators.

    Please think hard about what is happening in Portland. Please think about how you would perceive it if it were happening in another country – that is, unidentified people in combat uniforms, wielding batons and guns attacking their fellow citizens.

    老王的日志 - 网易博客:老王的日志,2021年12月03日,2021年12月03日,2021年07月31日,2021年03月01日,2021年01月18日,2021年12月23日,2021年06月20日,2021年04月16日,2021年03月18日,2021年01月23日,老王的网易博客,冷静等待中。。。。。。。。。。。,概念设计师 奋斗老王

    ”Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, tweeted on Tuesday evening: 'Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump's troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents.'

    “Earlier in the day, she said she would 'welcome actual partnership, but we do not welcome dictatorship.'

    “And New Mexico Democratic Sen. Martin Heinrich tweeted after being informed the operation was expanding to Albuquerque that federal law enforcement wasn't welcome.

    "'Given the mess it created in Portland, I let him know in no uncertain terms that this isn't the kind of 'help' that Albuquerque needs,' he wrote on Twitter.”

    These armed men (women too?) can only be called secret police. Their faces are fully covered with gas masks. Their camouflage uniforms are empty of agency identification, badge numbers and personal names. They carry fearsome weapons.

    梦幻西游:老王展示神威第一物理吴独秀,全力伤害超过3000 ...:2021-4-28 · 梦幻西游:老王展示神威第一物理吴独秀,全力伤害超过3000

    By the time this force arrived in Portland on 4 July, daily protests in Portland – begun in the wake of the murder of George Floyd - had dwindled to no more than a hundred or so demonstrators but the presence and violence of the federal forces have swelled their numbers again.

    Beginning last weekend, the protesters were joined by “The Wall of Moms” - hundreds of local mothers in yellow shirts who stand in front of the protesters each evening to protect them from the federal troops.

    Portland officials did not ask for these soldiers and have all but begged the acting DHS chief, Chad Wolf, to withdraw what is, essentially, an occupying army. Mayor Wheeler, Oregon Governor Kate Brown and both Oregon Senators have called for the troops to leave.

    The attorney general of Oregon and the ACLU have each sued the federal government on Constitutional grounds.

    As part of these attacks on American citizens by federal troops, Trump has taken to calling himself the “law and order president.”

    His base loves their law-and-order and Trump is way behind in recent election polls so these street clashes, which appear to be provoked by the federal troops, will supply just kind of footage Trump wants for his campaign videos.

    Public demonstrations are protected by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. But if the armed federal troops Trump sends into cities can goad demonstrators and others into damaging federal buildings – graffiti seems to be enough cause for bodily harm to the protesters - he can make a plausible case that troops are defending federal property.

    What I see is an insurgency of anonymous federal troops taking over the job of local police without being asked to do so and behaving like storm troopers. It feels to me like Portland is a dress rehearsal for more of the same and maybe worse in bigger cities.

    Most of us who read this blog were around when the last law-and-order president ran for re-election in 1968. It was an ugly time in the United States then, it is uglier now (and I'm not even counting the pandemic).

    7年过去了,老王果然没有让全体中国人失望:2021-6-14 · 老王的演讲概述了中国70年来取得的巨大成就。随后老王与主持人施瓦布互动。 施瓦布说“您刚才提到了中国过去40年所取得的成就”,老王随即纠正他:“我讲的是过去70年”。

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    • 老王的“神榆湖”_新浪吉林_新浪网:2021-6-15 · 老王的“神榆湖”,清晨五点,位于科尔沁沙地的吉林省白城市通榆县向海蒙古族乡创业村,五六辆货车停在“神榆湖”边,王尚江正忙着为前来买鱼 ...
    • ELDER MUSIC: Strange Days
    • Portland and Democracy Under Federal Siege


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